Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Georgia Missions Trip July 21, 2010: Day 5

Hi everyone,

We started the day with devotions and breakfast as always. Then we went to the "Tallulah Gorge" and walked all the way down to the waterfall which is the bottom of the Smoky Mountains. Not only was it breath taking but it was exhausting lol! It was a great opportunity to continue to team build and give teaching moments on the way as I caught my breath and mentally prepared myself to keep on going :)! Some of the teens were hesitant but we ALLLL DID IT! Then we went to heart ministries which is a facility where they minister to women that struggle with diverse addictions. It was a powerful time of ministry. They were blessed by the young people and how they ministered. After that we had to get ready to head to another ministry place called "The Potters House". There they minister to over three hundred men that struggle again with addictions. It was an hour drive but when we got there and began to minister the members of the program LOved the teens. They were laughing and crying at the same time. What can i say but that God had really ordained for us to be here this week and God deserves all the glory and honor. The we drove home and now we are about to eat. Tonight i will probably allow the teens to stay up a little late because they have been so good and tomorrow is our day off. We are almost home parents but your kids are having a great time so thank you for allowing them to attend this trip.


The Marshalls said...

Hey guys!! Wow...what a week you are having! God is really using all of you and doing fantastic things! Praise God!! Enjoy your day off've earned it...can't wait to have you home Taylor!
p.s. Kelsie says "hi" =]

Eileen Pajkowski said...

Hi Guys! It is so awesome that you guys are ministering to so many different types of people is need! It is amazing to see how God is using you! Isn't God awesome? Amanda and I miss you Kristen!!!!!!
Amanda says HI!

Kevin Mahaffy, Jr. said...

Awesome reports guys! That gorge is so awesome! I've hiked it 4x's and each time it was super cool! I love shaking the bridge when people walk across. I remember Shae screaming so loud and Tommy LaBarbera dropping down on his knees and holding onto the cables for dear life! Ha Ha! Did any of you shake it while G was on it? If you did, I bet he screamed like a 2nd grade girl. lol! Claudia we miss you and are so proud of you. Your little sister even admitted yesterday that she misses you. lol!
Dad, Mom, & Sis

Kevin Mahaffy, Jr. said...

Hey, where's Luigi in the pic? Did he fall over the edge? Oh, wait, maybe he was taking the pic. ??? Make sure he gets in some of them. :)

Jimmy Mangogna said...

Great job, guys! Looks like you're really working hard! "Weary not in well-doing." You've been a great blessing to people in need this week. Keep up the good work.

Can't wait to see you home, Vin! We all miss you!

Dawn said...

You guys seem to be working like crazy and playing even harder. I'm praying that you would be be blessed and bless others like you didn't think possible.

Anonymous said...

WoW! Looks like you all have been very busy the last few days and it sounds like it has been fun and inspiring. Us back in New York have been missing you all a lot. We all prayed for you at youth group and it was not the same without you. Can't wait to see you TOMORROW!!!!! (as you can tell I miss my lit' sis mucho).Enjoy you day off.

Christy I ♥ you so much. I miss our sister times together. The house has been too quiet without your lovable laughter! Come home so I can hear your laugh at my lame and cheesy jokes.

With much love,
The Chalgren
(especially Sarah)