Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Georgia Monday Part 2 & Tuesday

Monday Part 2 ...

After lunch our team headed to Shepherd’s Hill Farm which runs a residential program as well as summer camps using horses to help troubled teens, as therapy for disabled people, and to teach leadership and team work. We were planning on helping around the farm by cleaning up ... you know ... animal “stuff”, but unfortunately (or fortunately, however you want to look at it) the trailer had not arrived and there was no place to put the “stuff”, so instead of serving we ended up with a real treat. The folks from the farm spoke to our team about life and shared lessons that horses can teach us about life in Christ. Two of the girls who are residents of the program gave us a demonstration of what they have been able to accomplish and shared a bit from their own lives. Following that they split us into two teams and gave us a challenge. Each team had 15 minutes to get one of four horses to jump a hurdle. The first team went while team 2 watched. This was a great advantage to team 2 which was able to learn from their observation of team 1. We learned much about leadership, teamwork, and most of all ourselves in the process. I won’t take time to spell out all of the things we learned through this exercise, but it was a real eye-opener and a real treat.

After dinner (John Long ribs ... once again, doesn’t feel right to eat this good on a missions trip! lol Thanks John!) we all went down by the lake where we had an awesome camp fire cranking. We spent three hours debriefing our day, sharing, praying for one another, and worshiping the Lord. It was a beautiful and special experience. Lots of tissues were needed, and when those ran out sweatshirt sleeves sufficed. After the serious time the air filled with laughter as the team began to sing silly songs and children’s rhymes, and we headed up to the cafeteria where we enjoyed some cake in honor of Matt Moreo’s birthday. It was a fun and fruitful day!

Tuesday ...

This morning we went to the Stephen’s County Jail. We were told we would be doing some ministry, but when we arrived we were informed that due to a recent policy change we would not be able to interact with the inmates. Not all was lost, however. The sheriff and the chaplain gave us al a tour of the jail including a trip to the tower where we could observe the prisoners in their pods. It was definitely a great experience in terms of giving our students a glimpse of what life is like behind bars. No clocks, no time outside whatsoever, no television ... in short, no fun! At the end of the tour we did do a bit of ministry. We prayed over the sheriff and over the entire jail. She was very touched that we did that.

After the jail we went to the Senior Center, a community center for senior citizens. We did a couple of our pieces for them as they ate lunch. Afterward we had a chance to clean their tables, meet the folks, and pray for many of them. Following our time there we went back to camp for lunch.

This afternoon we went to The Boys & Girls Club where we ministered to and played with the kids who were there. After our time there we went to the Tallulah Gorge and hiked down the 1,062 steps and all the way back up. It was a great workout and absolutely stunning scenery. Everyone on the team made it. On the way back up a lady who was coming down asked me if I was the youth pastor. After I said I was, she said that she had seen our shuttle and grew up in our church. I couldn’t believe it! After talking a bit I asked her for her name and she said that her maiden name was Burd. Incredibly, she was Laurie, sister of Danny Burd of YWAM. How crazy is that? We spent quite a bit of time talking with her. Very cool! After dinner we gathered together for a team meeting and will be turning in early tonight. I am certain that everyone will sleep very well tonight after such a big workout! Thanks again for your love and support!



Anonymous said...

Hello Georgia Team!

(Hope that your reading this outloud like all the other trips pk) ha Okay so I noticed no one commented yet and I always loved getting comments when I was away so I'm sending y'all one ;)

Great to hear that you are all doing well and sounds like the trip is going awesome! Boy did you guys luck out on cleaning animal "stuff" haha but from the outreaches I see that you guys touched many lives so far and will continue to throughout the week. So glad you guys had the opportunity as a team also to pray and worship together. That's so important to be able to have that time with your team and especially one on one with God. Don't lose that focus of his presence this week. You are all there for a purpose; to serve and be blessed like you never have before. Miss you all and can't wait to hear more of the awesome testimonies of the week when you get back.
Shout out to Marince, Planky and my Tribal Force boys, I miss you guys like crazy! Matt hope you had an awesome birthday! Can't wait to see your facess Love you all and God Bless you guys with everything the rest of the week holds.

Love, Kelsie....kazoo

nothing said...

hey guys...
I think you guys are having too much fun for a missions trip haha. I don't think last years trip was as much fun as this one looks. Well Kels said a lot and to try to top that will be hard so i give up. I see you guys went to the jail.. if its the same jail we went to last year I am excited to hear that they have a chaplain now, last year they didn't have one so thats great news. Its cool to see and hear that you guys are really getting close to God and being His Hands and Feet in a place that knows a lot about God but perhaps they don't know about the Relationship they can have with Him. Like Kelsie said just keep your eyes on the Lord and be blessed and bless all those you meet. Shout outs Prince, Ren, Visser, and Morrio.
I am praying for you guys (and if you find time pray for me... tomorrows a BIG day...lol im excited and nerves.)

Anonymous said...

Well done Kelsie and David but i am leaving a comment for the purpose of calling out RAMONE in a online rap battle baby!

yo yo yo justin gimme da beat right quick!
AIGHTTT here it goessss,dum dum dum.... oh this is Tom by the way. i dont know if it tells you that.

aight back to the rhymess... justin back to the beat...dum dum dum

im the one of a kind,
take the stage to spit a rhyme,
but its now my first time,
to do a freestyle online,( yo that line is so slick)
my technique is unique,
destroys your will to compete,
decrease your vocab to retreat and defeat,
i call out ramone,
thinks his rhymes is dope,
squeaky clean with soap,
but last i remember,
its a nopeee

WOoOoo pure fire right there! Hit me back RAMONEE


oh and i greatly miss you all:)hahaha

Anonymous said...

Hi All!! This is Lisa Eichenlaub checking in. I am so proud of you guys! Pastor thanks for the blogs it really makes your hometeam fell apart of the trip. Guys keep allowing the LORD to work through you the people you are meeting really need to hear what you are sharing. The LORD has been preparing them as well as you for this trip. I am a little jealous of the food though! My family better still want my cooking when they come home. I will have to call John for some pointers! Jeff and Nick People keep calling to hear about the trip. You will have many calls to make when you come home. Nick Grandpa wants a detailed conversation about the whole trip. You know thats going to be a looooong call. Jeff I know being with the kids and sharing is part of your calling Im really glad you are there.(but I cant wait to see you!) Well keep digging deeper and let the Lord pour on you like RAIN!!!
Lisa aka mom

Anonymous said...

Hello God's Georgian Warriors!

What do I mean by "Warriors", when the Lord calls on you, you run in the direction He has pointed you, no fear, no cares about one's self, no nothing, just the joy, honor and privilege to serve Him! And in what a mighty way are you guys serving Him by serving others this trip!

Don't tire, stay safe (I know you will since you all made it over that Indiana Jones bridge).

Nick, by the way you told me so many great things about PK but I had no idea to what extent, in the midst of everything he can so quickly post all these pictures and writings...Wow!


Love Eric aka Dad