Monday, May 5, 2008

Small Groups Bowling, Baseball Games, and Girls Wondering if There Are Really 22 Innings in a Baseball Game

I love Sundays because Sundays mean Small Groups! This has been our first year of small groups, and we are learning a lot along the way. One thing that I am seeing recently that is exciting to me is that some of our small groups are starting to realize the true purpose of small groups. Our small groups are designed to do more than just have a deeper discussion about the things we are learning in youth group. The purpose of our small groups is fellowship, and fellowship is not limited to Sunday evenings from 6-7:30pm. On Sunday afternoon I went over to the bowling alley and 12 students from one of our small groups were there wearing shoes that have been worn by hundreds if not thousands of other people and enjoying one another's company. Another small group has done the same thing and is planning an overnighter next week wherein they are going to see how many group activities they can do in 17 hours. These things excite me because people are getting the point! Small groups are about instilling in students the value of community and the desire for real friendship.

Today I also went to watch a baseball game that several of our students were playing in. I had several kids from the youth ministry on one team, and one student on the other team. I am always torn as to whom I should cheer for when I encounter this dilemma, so I just cheer for individuals. It's always awkward when one of my students hits a ball off of one of my other student's pitches. The good news is that I was at another game between these two teams and each team won a game.

Another fun thing about going to games is the chance I have to interact with parents and other students who are there to watch. Today I was hanging out with a few girls from the youth group, and one of the girls asked how many innings there are. One of the other girls told her that there were 22 innings ... and she believed her. Then she ran to the restroom and when she returned the game was over, and she was all kinds of confused. Funny!

Student Ministry! How Fun!

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