Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Georgia Testimonies from Students

“The trip was amazing! I made new friends and experienced God in a whole new way.”—Amanda Rodland

“Missions trips are a great experience and you can get closer to God.”—Timmy Steffens

“This trip I made a lot of new friends, and I got really close to God. I did a lot of dramas and impacted many lives which I thought is a first for me. I learned how to pray for people and I got closer to God. Missions trips will bring you closer to God and you will learn a lot. It is so much easier to learn about God when that is your only focus.”—Christian Prezzano

“On this trip I grew deeper in my relationship with God. Missions trips are an amazing opportunity to leave everything behind, get out of your comfort zone, and pursue God by serving others.”—Sharon Clause

“On this missions trip I was able to release unforgiveness that I had towards certain people. When you go on a missions trip, you will never be the same!”—Shae Kogut

“On this trip I began to draw nearer to God every day. Missions trips will change your life forever, and God will really give you a heart for people.”

“Each day we had a devotional time. I really enjoyed spending regular time with God. This trip was life-changing.”—Jenelle Tschoke

“On this trip I definitely grew in my relationship with God. I saw things that I never expected to see, and I met some great people. I was so happy to see that the work we did as a team made a difference. Missions trips are awesome because you get to see all of your hard work be put to good use.”—Ariel Ramage

“On this trip I regained my focus and found my joy again. I also restored a friendship and established some new ones. Missions trips are life-changing experiences. God becomes more apparent and reveals Himself to you.”—Gary Grigsby

“I enjoyed doing jail ministry and hanging sheet rock. It was hard work. I definitely grew and it was a great experience.”—Dan Andersen

“On this trip I was able to release feelings of fear and uncertainty about the future. I grew closer to the Lord and am learning to trust Him.”—Sarah Chalgren

“On this trip I became more proactive in sharing my faith in God with others. God is helping me to not react in the wrong way when bad things happen.”—Kenny Murphy

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