Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Diaper Drive!!!

We are collecting diapers this Wednesday to bless a 25 year old mother in our community who has a 1 year-old daughter and is fighting leukemia. Pamper Cruisers (for girl) 5-6. (You can also provide new toys for a 1-year old girl if you would like. Her birthday is in October.) Also collecting for The Care Center - all sizes, especially 4-5 for boys and girls. We want to fill our stage Wednesday night. So, buy at least one package, and tell your friends to bring a package as well. Let's show people God's love in this tangible way!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Alive with Purpose

Hi Guys! Check out this video written, produced, and based on our family friend Ryan who worked with me during my first year of youth ministry. He is also the voice singing on the video. An amazing talent spared from abortion, given hope and love through adoption.

Come Follow Me ... A Message on Following Jesus

http://www.zshare.net/audio/1905932391d1e501/ This is a message I shared with my youth group. During my talk I had a slide presentation on which I cited The Ministry of Nurture by Duffy Robbins as a source, so I want to give him his due props here as well.

Winter Retreat 2009!
